Our Team

Shye Robinson
Shye Robinson will graduate from Purdue University in 2024 with a Bachelor's in Brain and Behavioral Science and a Bachelor's in Political Science and Government.
Pietro Stroik
Vice President
Pietro Stroik (B.S. Biochemistry and B.A. Philosophy, Purdue University 2023) is a spectroscopy scientist at Eurofins in Indianapolis.
Austin Barrow
Operations Director
Austin Barrow graduated from Purdue University in 2022 with a Bachelor's in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering.
Sunil Green
Sunil Green graduated from Purdue University in 2022 with a Bachelor's in Political Science and Government and a Bachelor in Computer Science.
Bri Woltz
Marketing Director
Bri Woltz will graduate from Purdue University in 2024 with a Bachelor's in Psychological Sciences & Law and Society.